Status Report

So the first weekend of the 2008 holiday season is almost gone.

How’s it going?

Actually, not too badly – thanks for asking.

Perhaps confession is good for the soul.  Admitting my long standing antipathy toward the holidays in my last post was cathartic, as in “there I’ve said it…my name is Becca and I hate Christmas.”

So I marshaled my emotional resources, pulled my self together and (so far) made it through the weekend with a minimum of angst.


I’ve accomplished a few things, which always makes me feel better.  Things like getting a head start on my next big project for work and assembling all the photos for the annual Magic and Molly calendar we give as gifts to all the members of the Magic and Molly fan club  ~ don’t laugh, they have quite a legion of admirers here in the neighborhood.

We made some decisions about our travel plans for the holidays, something we’d been dithering about for the past month.  We usually drive to Florida for an extended holiday, taking the pups with us.  This year, with our kids away in Thailand for the holidays, we found ourselves vacillating about the trip.  When our friends invited us to join them at their timeshare in Las Vegas early in January, we decided to use our vacation days that way. 

I tried not to overeat, which isn’t all that difficult because I really don’t like turkey all that much(another confession!)  My mother’s homemade carrot cake presents a different story altogether, and I have been indulging my sweet tooth unmercifully.

I watched a movie last night (Sex and the City– adored it!) and a fabulous documentary about an insider’s tour of the White House on the history channel tonight. 

And then, I put up my Christmas decorations.  It’s my tradition to “dress the house” on Thanksgiving weekend, a tradition that stems from long years of December weekends filled to the brim with concerts, leaving no time for decorating.  Although I have nothing on my personal musical calendar this year (a totally amazing occurrence) I decided to continue the tradition.  It felt good to get out the tree and the mantel decorations, the garlands and angel collection, and sit reading in the warm glow of all the little white lights.

So I’ve made a pretty good start to the holidays. As I wrote on my Facebook page…”Becca is cautiously optimistic.”  About lots of things 🙂

How about you? How’s your holiday weekend going so far?

And for all the members of the Magic and Molly fan club – here’s a sneak preview of the calendar pics for 2009!



9 thoughts on “Status Report

  1. I did overeat despite my best intentions 😦 Your January plans sound like a fun change…will those cute pooches be staying with a sitter? Last but not least: safe travel wishes for your kids in Thailand.

  2. Like June, I overate, but I just can’t help myself around mushroom bread pudding.

    It sounds like you are doing well, making plans, decorating the house, and watching lighthearted frivolous movies. Adorable, adorable, adorable dogs! I can understand the fan club!

  3. Those dogs of yours are soooo adorable!! We had an early Thanksgiving in New Hampshire a week ago, and here at home we’ve had a wonderfully low key, quiet Thanksgiving with no fuss, no mess … emotionally or otherwise. I’m beginning to think it’s the only way to go for these holidays!!

  4. I can see why Magic and Molly have a fan club! It sounds like you’re coming to peace with some decisions you needed to make.

    I really enjoyed your last post. It was cathartic for me, as well.

  5. ***Clapping*** That’s the spirit Becca. Now, can you help me to get Dave to stop hanging so many lights outside? It’s getting out of hand! lol

    The pups are precious and they will make a great calendar.

  6. Like June and Anno, I overate, but it was worth it. I had the last piece of pecan pie last night. Whew!

    We decorated our house this weekend too. I like to do it early so I can enjoy it through the season.

    Magic and Molly are adorable. What a cute calendar it will be. Do they know how famous they are?

  7. Becca, you’re not the only who doesn’t like the holiday season. I’ve never liked it either. I am known to have spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve on my own with a good book and a glass of wine or go out on a long walk or bike ride. One of my best friends and her boyfriend were both born on Dec 25 (talk about coincidence!) and they usually celebrate it on the 26th with an “open-door-day”: come visit whenever you want and whenever you are sick of Christmas. I have good memories of those birthdays, playing games, talking, just having fun.

    I am actually glad that in Armenia Christmas isn’t celebrated December 25/26 but in January, so the 25/26th are normal working days here. On which I never have anything to do because I work exclusively with Western-European clients. 😉

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