
Despite it being Monday, it was a happy day, and I didn’t even have to work very hard to make it so.

Here’s what put a smile on my face today ~

First and foremost, the SUN was shining all day.  Sunshine has an amazing effect on my mood – it’s like switching on the happy button.  Suddenly I have energy, I’m optimistic, I’m excited to do even the ordinary stuff.  I’m beginning to think I need one of those ultraviolet lights when I’m stuck in the dark winter doldrums.

Secondly, the snow is all gone and the ground is dry.  Which means I was able to walk the dogs today ~ so they were happy too.  Nothing better than a happy dog (unless it’s two happy dogs).

Probably as a direct result of  the energy and optimism I get from number one, I was able to get through everything on my to-do list.  And you all know how happy that makes me.

But the best thing today was visiting a dear friend who was hospitalized Friday morning with a serious case of endocarditis (infection in the lining of the heart).  He was greatly improved today, and seemed more like his old self than he had in weeks. That really made me smile.

Smiling and sunshine – two very big mood brighteners for me on this first Monday of 2011.

How about you?  What made you smile today?





10 thoughts on “Smiles

  1. Becca,
    I know several people who have the same problem when the sun doesn’t shine for a while. I love cloudy and rainy days, but even I notice a lift in my mood when the weather lightens up after a long absence.

    Oh, my gosh. I can’t remember what made me smile on the Jan. 1, but I’m sure something did. I’m glad you had a wonderful first day of 2011!

    • You know, I like a rainy day once in a while too, especially if I don’t have to get out and can be cozy at home with tea and a book. But it’s the long string of grey days we get in the winter that just do me in.

      Here’s hoping for more and more sunshine…at least it’s staying light longer each day 🙂

  2. I’m so glad to hear the sun was shining on your day. I think there’s scientific evidence that the winter/rain/gray skies can make us depressed… just like in the South, the raging heat makes people mean! 🙂

  3. Today — a week later — sounds much like your day in this post. And I think we’re smiling for some of the same reasons — the sun is out! Big time! The snow — well, not gone, but at least what is here isn’t deep and looks clean and fluffy. Gypsy is sitting with me, Monday I leave for Nashville, but I have two whole days to do things! Hooray! Saturday!

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