The Love-ly Month of February

About 5:30 this afternoon, the automatic timer on my reading lamp switched on, and guess what?  I didn’t even notice.

That’s right.  I didn’t notice, because the SUN WAS STILL SHINING!

Amazing.  Just yesterday it seems I readjusted the timer because the house was pitch black at 5: 30.  Now, this love-ly month of February gives us the gift of just a pinch more daylight, a baby step closer to those long, light filled evenings when I can sit on the porch until bedtime and watch the fireflies flicker in the orchard.

There is a tiny movement afoot in blog-land to celebrate love in all its forms and fashions this February.  I first read about it here, and then found out more about it here.

So my paean to lengthening days is my way of saying I Love You to February.

More posts about things I love in the days ahead.

What are you loving this February?

10 thoughts on “The Love-ly Month of February

  1. Right now, I’m mostly loving that it isn’t January any longer. I’m tired of dreary and frigid and dark and ready for working weather – sunshine and breezes and blue sky. February is always the worst month of the year for me, for a variety of reasons, so I’ll just keep waiting ~ eventually I’ll be able to love the fact that it isn’t February any longer!

  2. Oh, I am so glad you are playing along, Becca! Although I have to admit that after my initial post I am not really about what to write about LOVE for a whole month!? It should be easy, shouldn’t it? So I guess I’ll just see how it pans out … And I look forward to reading your love-ly musings this month 🙂 Kerstin

  3. I agree ~ so loving that January is over!!
    I’m loving the snow (a fresh coat this morning), the cold (because I am a winter girl at heart), and just knowing that this will all be gone soon and the flowers will be budding, butterflies and birds will be buzzing and chirping. February to me is like a Wednesday… we just need to get over that hump.

  4. Until now, I have never really thought much about February. It’s one of my least favorite months… cold and rainy. But now that I think about it, I really enjoy how life seems to slow down during these months… I’m more inclined to cozy up at home than get out. Also, my first son is turning 4 this month. It can’t get more wonderful than that.

    Thank you for introducing me to two new amazing blogs/bloggers. So for that, cheers to February!

  5. I like this quiet time, January and February, in between the Christmas holidays and the busy-ness of Spring. For me, it’s a great time to settle in and get lots of writing done 🙂

  6. I’m loving this healthy way of eating and living that I’ve recently adopted. I’m feeling better and more optimistic every day. I’ll sound like a Pollyanna soon if I don’t stop, and I’m anything but. Can’t wait to read more about what you love, Becca.

  7. I also love that the light is staying longer every day, that people in blogland are sharing the love in February, that ideas are sparking and fizzing like electricity and hope is in the air. I love the ripple effect of one good idea, one good action!

  8. Oh man. I hate February! I actually have a post penned in my head on this very subject. Glad you’re enjoying it though! And hopefully I’ll post my kind-of rebuttal this weekend. 🙂

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