One Deep Breath-Feathered Friends

wings splash
cooling dusty feathers
in the birdbath
It’s been so incredibly dry here in Michigan this summer …our grass is brown, the flowers growth has been stunted, and the wildlife are searching for moisture. Each morning, I find my birdbath tipped over, as if some creature has toppled it on himself for a cold shower in the night! As soon as I fill it up, birds gather eagerly, waiting their turn to splish, splash around.
~for more haiku about our feathered friends, fly over here

19 thoughts on “One Deep Breath-Feathered Friends

  1. I can just see them tipping your birdbath for that midnight shower 😉

    The mourning doves here have taken to sitting on the deck rail in the shade of the bird bath. Watching the birds with their bathing rituals can be both amusing and relaxing.

    We’ve got rain cued up for tomorrow; I hope it pans out…

  2. they look as though they’re having fun.

    We’ve had a very wet summer so far. Hope you get some rain soon.

  3. As usual, it is hot and dry here. The birds seem to do well on the leftovers from watering the lawn. My birdbath is never used. Go figure.

  4. The picture and the haiku complement each other so perfectly! I want to run off and play in the water now!

  5. Great photo — the birds look so happy and cool! Your haiku is lovely, and it’s wonderful that you keep the birdbath filled for them.

  6. Very hot and dry here as well. I’d be tempted to take a whirl at a birdbath at midnight. Great photo and words!

  7. As much as we can know, I think you have truly captured how they feel about bathing, they really seem to enjoy themselves.

  8. We are having a hard time with heat here too. After I read this I went to the backyard to put a pan of water out for the birds.

  9. This makes me smile ;p – joyful! It’s great you are looking out for those little feathered friends. I hope you get some relief from the heat and dry spell. Even the PNW is getting the heatwave in July!

  10. It is dry and hot here in Washington also. The haiku captured the birds at the birdbath perfectly! I hope we all get a break from this weather soon!

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