Fresh Start (for Write on Wednesday)

So, I’m back. 

Home from my lovely, idyllic time in Florida, languishing around in the sunshine, taking long walks, reading, lolling about in my comfy clothes..

Ah, how sweet it is it was.

But now back to reality, to cold midwestern mornings and chores and work and responsibility.

Deep breath.

It’s the New Year, and though I don’t make resolutions, I do like to make Fresh Starts.  There is a difference, you know.  Fresh Starts are much more forgiving and flexible than resolutions.  Fresh Starts allow you to forget the past and start over right from where you are this minute.  Fresh Starts can happen every day of the week if you want them to.

Here are some of the things I’m Starting Fresh this 2010:

  • Slowing down the pace of my life.  I try to do this all the time, and somehow always fail miserably.  This time, I’m thinking more about my attitude than my actual physical life and activity.  Allowing myself the freedom to let things go, to stop and take a cleansing breath now and again;
  • Focusing.  My life feels really scattered an unfocused sometimes, which I think contributes to my sense of being in a huge hurry.  I’ve identified several reasons for this, one of which I plan to write about in more depth later on, because I think it’s something all of us are dealing with.   I need to plan my activity, organize my priorities, and stick to one task until it’s finished;
  • Doing what I love.  Certainly spending more time with my family and friends is at the top of this list.   Avocationally, music and writing.  Vocationally, making sure I’m using my strengths at work effectively.

So, off I go, into a new year, a new decade, with all its new beginnings. 

 How about you?  Do you have a Fresh Start in mind? 

Write on Wednesday is making a Fresh Start…check it out.



5 thoughts on “Fresh Start (for Write on Wednesday)

  1. I love all your fresh start ideas and add them to mind, which include focusing my good health (which means that stinky exercise) and trying hard to use what I have rather than accumulating (much) more. For me, it generally comes in the form of art supplies (and yes, books), but other thing sneak in there, too! Happy New Year, my friend!

  2. I like your idea of fresh starts, putting a positive spin on resolutions. For me, it’s all about managing time this year, to try to squeeze in all I want to do! Enjoyed browsing here, best wishes to you!

  3. I’m with you on this, Becca. I love new beginnings and fresh starts. There’s always a chance to do better. That’s my favorite thing about the new year. Good luck with all your fresh start ideas.

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