Sunday Scribblings-Destination

Do you know where you’re going to?
Do you like the things that life is showing you?
Do you know?
Theme Song from the movie “Mahogany”, originally recorded by Diana Ross, 1994
Last fall, my husband and I purchased new bikes to use at our home in Florida. It’s a perfect five mile ride around the perimeter of our gated community, with lots of inland waterways to admire as you’re pedaling along, and very little traffic to avoid. We try to get a ride in every morning, and Jim gets the bikes out of the garage while I lock up the house. Then its time for the big decision – where do we go? Basically, you can ride to the end of our street and turn right or left, making a perfect, neatly prescribed circle around the outside of the complex and returning right where we started from. There are no obstacles , no choices about turns, not even any bridges to cross. There’s a couple of speed bumps, but it’s generally smooth sailing – a real no-brainer of a ride.
However, you can also ride through the interior of the community, which becomes a veritable maze of curving streets, glittering ponds, and arched bridges, requiring fancy gear shifting on the bridges, sharp braking on the downhills, and directional decisions all along the way in order to ever find your way back home.
Jim will usually say, “I don’t care which way we go. You pick.” Those of you who know me can probably guess what my first inclination would be – the safe route, with no chance of getting lost, no challenges to face, just easy riding. Lately, though, there’s been a nagging little voice inside urging me to take the more adventurous way, the “road less traveled” as it were. My husband, gentle encourager that he is, will sometimes save me from the decision and say, “Why don’t we try riding toward the Town Center?” which takes us on the path into the unknown. And I’m game to follow his lead, nimbly shifting into lower gear on the uphill bridges, flying down on the opposite side and whirling into a sharp turn at the bottom. We’ve gotten lost a time or two, requiring us to stop, take stock, and then venture bravely toward the way we think we should be going. So far, we’ve always landed safe and sound at our original destination.
Generally, I like “knowing where I’m going to.” I’ve traveled through life on well traveled routes that have taken me toward safe destinations with a minimum of challenge or risk. But I have to admit that sometimes I don’t “like the things that life is showing me.” My choice of destinations, while safe and secure, can be – dare I say? – boring. Maybe the destinations for the next part of my life’s journey should be a little less predictable, a little more out of the way. Perhaps I shouldn’t be quite so afraid to head down the opposite side of the road, where adventure might await. After all, I have become quite fond of flying down those bridges, full speed ahead.
here’s the destination for more sunday scribblings

16 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings-Destination

  1. Here’s to a more adventurous spirit for 2007! May you and your husband fly down those hills together safely. BTW, I’ve always loved your graphic header! Happy New Year!

  2. As I read your descriptions, it seems to me that your keen observations make whatever route you take anything but “boring” and that your real adventure lies not in the destination, but in the journey.
    I’m going to double-fist this one, raising one glass to the thrill of adventure/the unknown and another glass to the pleasure of not always having to shift gears…wait, make that three glasses…the third to having choices in what route to take!
    (and at that, I’ve certainly met my limit)

  3. Becca ~*~

    Your words have been an inspiration to me. Your kindness is uncomparable and so unselfish,

    thank you, thank you for your faithfulness in helping me during my hour of need,

    much love,
    XOXO Darlene

  4. I wish you save yet adventurous traveles in the new year. I think getting the bikes and being willing to ride is half the battle. So many people never even take that chance.

    Your journey doesn’t seem boring at all.

  5. I really loved this post, Becca. I, too, am always so willing to take the easy route, but I know how much the unpredictability of life can not only be a challenge but also a saving grace for me.
    Happy New Year to you!

  6. I’m all in favour of adventure but I’m also in favour of seeing the special in the everyday and it isn’t really so boring at all. When I’m on a bike though I always go for the very safe having a dodgy sense of balance….

  7. Wonderful post, Becca. Full speed ahead it is, for 2007! I hope you continue to honour us with your beautiful prose and insights. xo

  8. I think life requires some of both. I’m glad you have the opportunity to explore both right outside your front door.

    Much happiness as you enter the new year, Becca!

  9. Becca,
    A blend, a balance betrween adventure with a life line to the secure way. Ease into adventure ’til it becomes second nature.
    Happy New Year.

  10. Happy New Year Becca, to you and your family!
    Enjoy your rides, both on the safe roads and on the road less traveled. I hope 2007 brings you many new adventures and many great things.

  11. i can really identify with this; i tend to play it safe and then wonder why there is not more excitement and spontaneity in my life. here’s to safe adventures in the new year! 😉

  12. It’s true that most people like to know where they’re going. i think they miss out on a lot of adventure. My wife always chooses the straight route to our holiday place, the highway, with the kilometres and restrooms indicated.

    I’ll go for the back roads where we have to ask directions and eat in little local restaurants, and spend an extra five hours on the road.

    But that’s only it: we’re just different in that way.

    Have a good 2007…

  13. Maybe we get a little braver with each year. I like the way you’ve worked so much into your morning bike rides. I, personally, am terrified of the hills. Your perimeter ride sounds just my speed.

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